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Subject: How to know the kernel version of a SAP R3 system
Hi all
Could someone tell me how can I find the Kernel version of a SAP R3 system ?
example, for those releases
SAP R3 4.0B, 4.5B, 4.6B, 4.6D and so on ....
Thanks for your help
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: How to know the kernel version of a SAP R3 system
From any screen choose System-->Status then click the 'other kernel info'
icon (between Navigate and Cancel).
The same information can be found at OS level in the dispatcher trace file: /usr/sap/<SID>/<instance
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: How to know the kernel version of a SAP R3 system
Goto transaction sm51, and click (not double click) on the the Database
server and then click on release notes. there you will see the SAP R/3
kernel and patch level etc.
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: How to know the kernel version of a SAP R3 system
You can use the System ==> Status and then Other
Kernel Info button to get the details about the Kernel
Release, Patch levels etc.
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Subject: RE: How to know the kernel version of a SAP R3 system
I think an even more convenient way to do this is to use SM51. Highlight
the server you are interested in and click on "Release Information". This
provides you a location to view all servers with out logging on to each
one. The answer below will give you information about the server you are
connected to only.
-----Reply Message-----
Subject: RE: How to know the kernel version of a SAP R3 system
Also try "disp+work -v" on server.
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Subject: RE: How to know the kernel version of a SAP R3 system